As part of the state government, The Senate Chancellery of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg has the status of the highest state authority. It is under the mandate of the First Mayor and the President of the Senate. The State Chancellery is divided into the State Office, the Press Office, the IT and Digitalisation Department and the Planning Staff for the Office of the Senate. The Hanse-Office in Brussels is part of the Department for EU Affairs in the Staatsamt and consequently – as is the Hamburg representation in Berlin – part of the Hamburg Senate Chancellery.


Dr. Peter Tschentscher

First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and President of the Senate

Almut Möller

State Secretary and Plenipotentiary of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg to the Federation, to the European Union, and for Foreign Affairs 

Corinna Nienstedt

Director-General of the Office to the State (International Affairs, Europe, Protocol)

Dr. Claus Müller

Head of Unit for EU Affairs,
Managing Director of the Hanse-Office in Brussels

T: +49 40 42609 43

Samir Baum-El Falaky

Head of Unit und Deputy Director
(European policy and committee work incl. Standing Conference of Ministers for European Affairs, Strategic questions on EU funds, European public relations)

T: +49 40 42831 2671